How to Start a Great Year


No matter how good or bad last year was for you, I think we are all hoping, praying, and expecting this year to be greater. We may express that in different ways. Some make resolutions and set goals. Others seek out new ways of accomplishing lifelong dreams.

I believe that finding success in the coming year will not come from obtaining more things or advancing in certain areas of life. Instead, it will come from finding satisfaction and significance that is not connected to your circumstance. We are designed to resonate God’s goodness in our circles of influence and we find significance and purpose when we follow God’s blueprint for us. Here are 3 things that I know are true about you:

You are Designed

You are handcrafted by God. He has intentionally given you strengths and weaknesses that will enable you to actively engage in sharing His love with those who need it desperately. He gives you strengths to demonstrate His goodness. He gives you weaknesses so that you will be dependent on Him. You are a work of art created to be a connection point where the Divine meets the mundane.

You are Unique

There is no one else quite like you. God has individually crafted you for a purpose. You are not a random assortment of skills, abilities, and passions. As God has prepared you, He has prepared a place for you to make a difference and you are uniquely qualified to be a blazing light in that place.

God is Infinitely Creative

I am constantly amazed by the natural wonders we see. From an amazing sunset to the far reaches of the universe, we catch a glimpse of the creativity of our God. That same infinitely creative God pours His artistry into the creation of you. He is not bound by any limitations and in His limitless power, He designed you for this place and for this time.

All this creativity and design gives us significance and purpose. We were designed to be a catalyst for good. Look around you today. Where can you make a difference? What can you say or do that will build someone up or bring them closer to Christ? Be active in goodness and do something great for the Glory of God.

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